Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves inserting thin needles into the body at specific points to stimulate healing and relieve pain. It is based on the concept of Qi, a vital energy that flows through the body along meridians or channels.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a holistic health technique that stems from traditional Chinese medicine practices in which trained practitioners stimulate specific points on the body by inserting thin needles into the skin.
Today acupuncture is one of the most popular practices of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the west. TCM is a complementary health approach that originated in ancient china more than 2,500 years ago and has been evolving ever since.
Acupuncture is an all-natural, non-invasive healing method that has been used for centuries to restore balance and wellness to the body. Forget the harsh drugs, intense workouts, & expensive treatments! Experience an alternative source of healing that truly cares about your well-being.
HST Included
Per session
*Accepting insurance and health benefits.
Preparing for acupuncture generally involves wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that allows easy access to the areas of the body where the needles will be inserted.
It is also recommended to avoid consuming alcohol or caffeine and to eat a light meal or snack before the appointment to ensure that you have enough energy and are not too hungry or full.
It is also important to inform the acupuncturist about any medical conditions, medications, or other therapies you are receiving to ensure safe and effective treatment.
During acupuncture, the acupuncturist will use thin, sterile needles to stimulate specific points in the body.
- The needles are typically left in place for 10-30 minutes while you rest comfortably.
- You may feel a slight prick or tingling sensation when the needles are inserted, but acupuncture is generally not painful.
- The acupuncturist may also use other techniques, such as cupping, massage, or heat therapy, to enhance the effects of the treatment.
- You may be asked to change positions or move your limbs during the treatment to access different points on the body.
It is important to communicate with the acupuncturist throughout the session to provide feedback on any sensations or discomfort you may experience and to ensure that the treatment is tailored to your needs.
Some contraindications of acupuncture include:
- Bleeding disorders or taking blood-thinning medications.
- Infections or skin conditions at the site of needle insertion.
- Use of pacemakers or other electrical devices.
- Pregnancy (some acupoints may stimulate contractions).
- Certain psychiatric conditions or medications.
It is important to inform the acupuncturist about any medical conditions, medications, or other therapies you are receiving to ensure safe and effective treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about whether acupuncture is right for you, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider.
What do you get
Acupuncture has been shown to have several potential health benefits, including:
Pain relief
Acupuncture can help alleviate various types of pain, including back pain, neck pain, and joint pain.
Reduced stress
Acupuncture may help reduce stress and promote relaxation by releasing endorphins and improving circulation.
Improved sleep
Acupuncture may help improve sleep quality and duration by reducing stress and anxiety and promoting relaxation.
Improved digestion
Acupuncture may help improve digestion by regulating the digestive system and reducing inflammation in the gut.
Reduced inflammation
Acupuncture can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can be beneficial for conditions such as arthritis and asthma.
Enhanced immune system
Acupuncture may help boost the immune system by increasing white blood cell counts and improving overall health.
The acupuncture benefits
Headache relief
Acupuncture can help relieve headaches and migraines by reducing tension and promoting relaxation.
Hormonal balance
Acupuncture can help regulate hormones, which can benefit conditions such as infertility and menstrual disorders.
Addiction recovery
Acupuncture may help reduce cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms during addiction recovery.
Recommended services
Acupuncture is a classic Chinese medical procedure that involves inserting thin needles into the body at exact points to promote healing and reduce pain. It is based on the concept of Qi, a strong power that flows through the body along meridians or channels.
Understand Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a holistic health approach that originates from traditional Chinese medicine techniques in which trained practitioners promote exact points on the body by inserting needles.
Today acupuncture is one of the West’s most famous practices of traditional Chinese medicine. TCM is a complementary wellness method developed in ancient China more than 2,500 years ago and has been evolving ever since.
For centuries, people have used non-invasive, all-natural acupuncture to repair the body to harmony and well-being. Ignore the strong medications, demanding exercise programs, and costly therapies! Discover another kind of healing from someone who cares about you well.